GMAT 2018-06-19T06:32:58+00:00

GMAT exam is a computer adaptive test (CAT) conducted in English. Nowadays, it contains four parts: Analytical Writing Assessment (AWA), Integrated Reasoning (IR), the Quantitative section, and the Verbal section. It has been modified as it has developed, and some parts (e.g. testing on antonyms and directed memory) have been scrapped. The last major change occurred on 5 June 2012, when Integrated Reasoning (IR) was added to the test.


Registration should be about two months in advance to allow more test date and time slot options. Registration takes place online. For Europe, you may schedule an appointment through

Testing and Score Reporting

Testing is conducted in certified testing centres around the world. The standard test fee is USD 250 (plus taxes) and includes reporting of your official scores to up to five programmes of your choice which you select at the beginning of the test. Plan two to four weeks for delivery of your official test scores to the programmes of your choice. The test score is valid for five years. You may take a GMAT exam again, but no sooner than 30 days after the previous test.